best food for hatchling turtles

While hatchling turtles are adorable and appear easy to care for, it is important to do your research before your get one. The care of hatchling turtles differs greatly from that of fully grown turtles. This is because hatchlings require more attention and care, and they are more susceptible to diseases and germs.

Without a proper diet, your hatchling will not grow into a healthy and strong adult turtle. In this article, we provided the best food for hatchling turtles to help you in your journey as a turtle parent and some tips that you should know.

When a hatchling turtle is in its egg, it gets all of its nutrients from the turtle yolk. However, once your turtle hatches, it is important to provide him/her with a balanced healthy diet.

Best food for hatchling turtles

The best food for hatchling turtles are pellet supplements, small bugs, small fish, vegetables, and fruits.

Pellet Supplements

Hatchling turtles will usually rely on a pellet supplement purchased from a pet store in their early days. Check the labels of the pellet supplements you buy to ensure that your hatchling is getting the best nutrition possible. Choose a turtle food designed specifically for hatchling turtles rather than one designed for adult turtles.

My favorite hatchling turtle food is Reptomin Baby Turtle Formula.

The best thing about pellet supplements is that they come in various sizes and are packed with important nutrients like minerals, vitamin D, and vitamin C for your hatchling’s healthy growth.

Small Bugs

Once your hatchling is a few months old, you can start feeding small bugs such as crickets, earthworms, beetles, etc. At this point, any bug that an adult turtle can eat, your hatchling can eat it too. Small bugs are a great source of protein for hatchling turtles, so feeding them this will help with their growth.

Depending on the insect, you might be able to feed them live insects.

Small Fish

A wide variety of fish are available on the market that contain all of the nutritional requirements that a hatchling turtle requires to live a healthy life. Fish like minnows, mollies, and guppies are high in vitamin B12, magnesium, selenium, potassium, and other nutrients that are essential for your turtle’s growth.

Feeder fish for turtles also have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids and a lot of minerals and vitamins, which are important for your pet turtle’s immune system.

To learn more, check out my article on what vitamins do turtles need?


Vegetables such as peas, green beans, corn, and carrots also contain essential nutrients that aid in the growth of your hatchling turtle. If you want to feed vegetables to your hatchling turtle, make sure to thoroughly rinse them before boiling or steaming them for your hatchling. This makes it easier for them to consume.


Fruits contain a variety of nutrients that are necessary for your hatchling’s growth. Fruits such as raspberries, bananas, and grapes, among many others, contain antioxidants that are beneficial to heart health. Fruits also promote the growth of gut bacteria and aid in preventing aging.

They are also high in fiber, minerals, and vitamins, all of which contribute to developing a strong immune system for your hatchling turtle.

How to feed a hatchling turtle?

If you have an aquatic turtle, you should feed your hatchling turtle in the water. This will help with their digestion.

Giving your hatchling a varied diet can help it live a happier and longer life. While hatchlings can easily survive on pellets alone, a varied diet can help your hatchling grow faster, become more alert, and have less difficulty with mood regulation.

It’s recommended that you feed your hatchling at least twice a day. Once the hatchling is a couple months old, you should feed your baby turtle once a day.

Simply leave some food in your hatchling’s tank for approximately 30 minutes. If they don’t finish it, you can give it again at the next feeding. Make sure you don’t overfeed your hatchling, or it will grow too quickly. This can cause your hatchling’s shell to overgrow, which is not a pretty sight. In some cases, it can result in a disease called pyraminding, which is sometimes untreatable.

Remember that the type and amount of food that your hatchling eats is primarily determined by their species, age, and nutritional needs. It is common knowledge that younger turtles should consume more proteins than older turtles because it aids in the development of their bones.

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