The Startling Truth Why Your Turtle is Always Hungry
Copyright: arnoaltix / 123RF Stock Photo Turtles seemingly have a bottomless pit for a stomach. It doesn't matter how much food you give them, they will simply eat and eat.…
Copyright: arnoaltix / 123RF Stock Photo Turtles seemingly have a bottomless pit for a stomach. It doesn't matter how much food you give them, they will simply eat and eat.…
Everyone knows that turtles can hold their breath for a really, really long time. But can you drown a turtle? Here's the startling answer. Can You Drown A Turtle? Yes,…
If your turtle's shell is white, don't flip out just yet. The good news is that this is pretty common. The better news is that it's pretty easy to fix.…
Your turtle keeps begging, and you keep feeding. Your head starts to wonder, "Just how much food should I feed my turtle?!" Here's the answer. Diet can be one of…
Copyright: famveldman / 123RF Stock Photo You have a new filter in a tank with fresh-water and before you know it, the water is already dirty! This is the reason…
Copyright: dibrova / 123RF Stock Photo Did you know that offering feeder fish for turtles can be not only problematic but even dangerous? Here is how to do it the…
Turtles are considered hardy animals because they can live in dirty conditions. However, they still get ill. Avoid these pet turtle diseases at all costs! While this list is not…
Copyright: serezniy / 123RF Stock Photo Generally speaking, no turtles are not low maintenance pets. However, some species are more care intensive than others. Here is what you need to…
Turtle basking lights/basking bulbs come in different watts, such as 50 and 100-watt bulbs. In this instructive article, I'll teach you what is the best turtle basking light wattage. Pet…
Most pet turtle species are tough but they can still suffer when you make errors. These are the 5 biggest mistakes pet turtle owners make. The Biggest Mistakes Pet Turtles…